London International Surrealist Exhibition

The International Surrealist Exhibition was held from 11 June to 4 July 1936 at the New Burlington Galleries in London, England. The exhibition was organised by: * Hugh Sykes Davies * David Gascoyne * Humphrey Jennings * Rupert Lee * Diana Brinton Lee * Henry Moore * Paul Nash * Roland Penrose * Herbert Read * E. L. T. Mesens The French organising committee were * André Breton * Paul Éluard * Georges Hugnet * Man Ray During the course of the Exhibition, the following lectures were delivered to large audiences:

London International Surrealist Exhibition

The International Surrealist Exhibition was held from 11 June to 4 July 1936 at the New Burlington Galleries in London, England. The exhibition was organised by: * Hugh Sykes Davies * David Gascoyne * Humphrey Jennings * Rupert Lee * Diana Brinton Lee * Henry Moore * Paul Nash * Roland Penrose * Herbert Read * E. L. T. Mesens The French organising committee were * André Breton * Paul Éluard * Georges Hugnet * Man Ray During the course of the Exhibition, the following lectures were delivered to large audiences: