Lorenzo Jones

Lorenzo Jones (Lorenzo de Angelis) was a daytime radio series which aired on NBC in different timeslots over an 18-year span. Produced by Frank and Anne Hummert, the series could be classified with its own unique category of "comedy soap opera", highlighted by organist Rosa Rio's rollicking rendition of the opening theme music, "Funiculi, Funicula". During the early 1950s, the 15-minute program served as a comedy lead-in to Bob and Ray. Each episode opened with this introduction:

Lorenzo Jones

Lorenzo Jones (Lorenzo de Angelis) was a daytime radio series which aired on NBC in different timeslots over an 18-year span. Produced by Frank and Anne Hummert, the series could be classified with its own unique category of "comedy soap opera", highlighted by organist Rosa Rio's rollicking rendition of the opening theme music, "Funiculi, Funicula". During the early 1950s, the 15-minute program served as a comedy lead-in to Bob and Ray. Each episode opened with this introduction: