Lothar and the Hand People

Lothar and the Hand People were a late-1960s psychedelic rock band known for its spacey music and pioneering use of the theremin and Moog modular synthesizer. The band's unusual appellation refers to a theremin nicknamed "Lothar", with the "Hand People" being the musicians in the band, who included John Emelin (vocals), Paul Conly (keyboards, synthesizer), Rusty Ford (bass), Tom Flye (drums) and Kim King (guitar, synthesizer). The band's most popular recording was the title song "Space Hymn," which received significant FM radio play.

Lothar and the Hand People

Lothar and the Hand People were a late-1960s psychedelic rock band known for its spacey music and pioneering use of the theremin and Moog modular synthesizer. The band's unusual appellation refers to a theremin nicknamed "Lothar", with the "Hand People" being the musicians in the band, who included John Emelin (vocals), Paul Conly (keyboards, synthesizer), Rusty Ford (bass), Tom Flye (drums) and Kim King (guitar, synthesizer). The band's most popular recording was the title song "Space Hymn," which received significant FM radio play.