Love Is Duty Free

Love is Duty Free (German:Liebe ist zollfrei) is a 1941 comedy film directed by E.W. Emo and starring Hans Moser, Susi Peter and Theodor Danegger. The film was made by Wien-Film, a Vienna-based company set up after Austria had been incorporated into Greater Germany following the 1938 Anschluss. The film was intended to mock the First Austrian Republic and its democratic system of government as incompetent.

Love Is Duty Free

Love is Duty Free (German:Liebe ist zollfrei) is a 1941 comedy film directed by E.W. Emo and starring Hans Moser, Susi Peter and Theodor Danegger. The film was made by Wien-Film, a Vienna-based company set up after Austria had been incorporated into Greater Germany following the 1938 Anschluss. The film was intended to mock the First Austrian Republic and its democratic system of government as incompetent.