Love and Air Sex

Love & Air Sex, formerly known as The Bounceback, is an American romantic comedy film directed by Bryan Poyser and written by Poyser, David DeGrow Shotwell, and Steven Walters. The film stars Sara Paxton, Ashley Bell, Zach Cregger, and Michael Stahl-David. The film premiered at the 2013 SXSW Film Festival and was picked up by Tribeca Film for a U.S. day-and-date release. The film won awards for "Best Writing" at the 2013 Gen Art Film Festival and "Best Ensemble Cast" at the 2013 Napa Valley Film Festival.

Love and Air Sex

Love & Air Sex, formerly known as The Bounceback, is an American romantic comedy film directed by Bryan Poyser and written by Poyser, David DeGrow Shotwell, and Steven Walters. The film stars Sara Paxton, Ashley Bell, Zach Cregger, and Michael Stahl-David. The film premiered at the 2013 SXSW Film Festival and was picked up by Tribeca Film for a U.S. day-and-date release. The film won awards for "Best Writing" at the 2013 Gen Art Film Festival and "Best Ensemble Cast" at the 2013 Napa Valley Film Festival.