MAMP is a solution stack composed of free and open-source and proprietary commercial software used together to run dynamic web sites on Apple Macintosh computers. MAMP is an acronym of macOS, the operating system; Apache, the web server; MySQL, the database management system; and PHP, Perl, or Python, all programming languages used for web development. Any open source Web platform made up of these software programs and built upon macOS is a MAMP. MAMP is based on a similar software bundle for Linux called LAMP. Various "AMP" packages exist for many different operating systems.


MAMP is a solution stack composed of free and open-source and proprietary commercial software used together to run dynamic web sites on Apple Macintosh computers. MAMP is an acronym of macOS, the operating system; Apache, the web server; MySQL, the database management system; and PHP, Perl, or Python, all programming languages used for web development. Any open source Web platform made up of these software programs and built upon macOS is a MAMP. MAMP is based on a similar software bundle for Linux called LAMP. Various "AMP" packages exist for many different operating systems.