MY Camelopardalis

MY Camelopardalis (MY Cam) is a binary star system located in the Alicante 1 open cluster, some 13 kly (4.0 kpc) away in the constellation Camelopardalis. It is one of the most massive known binary star systems. MY Cam is the brightest star in Alicante 1. The system consists of two hot blue O-type stars with one component having a mass of 32 solar masses and the other 38 solar masses. MY Cam is a contact binary and eclipsing binary, with an orbital period of 1.2 days, and an orbital velocity of 1,000,000 km/h (620,000 mph).

MY Camelopardalis

MY Camelopardalis (MY Cam) is a binary star system located in the Alicante 1 open cluster, some 13 kly (4.0 kpc) away in the constellation Camelopardalis. It is one of the most massive known binary star systems. MY Cam is the brightest star in Alicante 1. The system consists of two hot blue O-type stars with one component having a mass of 32 solar masses and the other 38 solar masses. MY Cam is a contact binary and eclipsing binary, with an orbital period of 1.2 days, and an orbital velocity of 1,000,000 km/h (620,000 mph).