Malice (1997 video game)

Malice is a total conversion for Quake, developed jointly by Team Epochalypse (which would go on to form Ratloop) and Quantum Axcess, and published by Quantum Axcess in October 1997 as a commercial game. It would later be bundled with both the original Quake and the Q!Zone add-on in the form of the Resurrection Pack for Quake compilation, distributed by GT Interactive in 1998. Malice, not being a stand-alone total conversion, requires the full version of Quake in order to be played.

Malice (1997 video game)

Malice is a total conversion for Quake, developed jointly by Team Epochalypse (which would go on to form Ratloop) and Quantum Axcess, and published by Quantum Axcess in October 1997 as a commercial game. It would later be bundled with both the original Quake and the Q!Zone add-on in the form of the Resurrection Pack for Quake compilation, distributed by GT Interactive in 1998. Malice, not being a stand-alone total conversion, requires the full version of Quake in order to be played.