
"ManBearPig" is the sixth episode of the tenth season and the 145th overall episode of the American animated sitcom South Park. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 26, 2006. In the episode, Al Gore visits South Park to warn and frighten everyone about a fictional monster called ManBearPig, which he insists is real. On a trip to the Cave of the Winds, Gore thinks he hears ManBearPig and ends up getting Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny trapped inside the caves.


"ManBearPig" is the sixth episode of the tenth season and the 145th overall episode of the American animated sitcom South Park. It first aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 26, 2006. In the episode, Al Gore visits South Park to warn and frighten everyone about a fictional monster called ManBearPig, which he insists is real. On a trip to the Cave of the Winds, Gore thinks he hears ManBearPig and ends up getting Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny trapped inside the caves.