Manga Mito Kōmon

Manga Mito Kōmon (まんが水戸黄門) is a Japanese shōnen anime TV series consisting of 46 episodes directed by Kazuyuki Okasako. Loosely based on real life events of Tokugawa Mitsukuni, it is considered as a sort of remake of the successful jidaigeki drama Mito Kōmon filled with more fantastic elements.

Manga Mito Kōmon

Manga Mito Kōmon (まんが水戸黄門) is a Japanese shōnen anime TV series consisting of 46 episodes directed by Kazuyuki Okasako. Loosely based on real life events of Tokugawa Mitsukuni, it is considered as a sort of remake of the successful jidaigeki drama Mito Kōmon filled with more fantastic elements.