
Mantal has been an official measure of land in Finland and in Sweden. The mantal is a measure of the wealth of a farm, not a simple unit of area, as it depends on the productivity of the land. It is an apportionment figure. A cameral measurement instrument of the wealth of the farm. According to Sjöström (2011, page 433) the essence is that the mantal figures of farms in one village show their share of the lands of the village.A landed estate's share of the joint properties of a village (such as, water areas and undivided wasteland and some specific things) is defined by its mantal figure.


Mantal has been an official measure of land in Finland and in Sweden. The mantal is a measure of the wealth of a farm, not a simple unit of area, as it depends on the productivity of the land. It is an apportionment figure. A cameral measurement instrument of the wealth of the farm. According to Sjöström (2011, page 433) the essence is that the mantal figures of farms in one village show their share of the lands of the village.A landed estate's share of the joint properties of a village (such as, water areas and undivided wasteland and some specific things) is defined by its mantal figure.