
Marcie Carlin is a fictional character featured in the long-running syndicated daily and Sunday comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. Marcie is a studious girl but is sometimes depicted as being terrible at sports. She has befriended the tomboyish, athletic Peppermint Patty, and she has a mostly-unrequited crush on the underdog Charlie Brown. Marcie has appeared outside the comic strip, featured in numerous Peanuts television specials, cinematic films, theatrical plays, and video games.


Marcie Carlin is a fictional character featured in the long-running syndicated daily and Sunday comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. Marcie is a studious girl but is sometimes depicted as being terrible at sports. She has befriended the tomboyish, athletic Peppermint Patty, and she has a mostly-unrequited crush on the underdog Charlie Brown. Marcie has appeared outside the comic strip, featured in numerous Peanuts television specials, cinematic films, theatrical plays, and video games.