Margerine Eclipse

Margerine Eclipse [sic] is an album by the band Stereolab, released in early 2004. The album is in large part a eulogy to former band member Mary Hansen, who was killed in a cycling accident when she was hit by a truck in 2002. The album is mixed in "dual mono", meaning that each instrumental or vocal part is hard-panned to appear in either the left or right channel only. This technique was also used on the preceding EP, Instant 0 in the Universe.

Margerine Eclipse

Margerine Eclipse [sic] is an album by the band Stereolab, released in early 2004. The album is in large part a eulogy to former band member Mary Hansen, who was killed in a cycling accident when she was hit by a truck in 2002. The album is mixed in "dual mono", meaning that each instrumental or vocal part is hard-panned to appear in either the left or right channel only. This technique was also used on the preceding EP, Instant 0 in the Universe.