Marinette (Vodou)

In her Petro form she is called Marinette Bras Cheche / Marinette Bwa Chech (Marinette of the Dry Arms) or Marinette Pied Cheche (Marinette of the Dry Feet) suggesting that she is skeletal. She is believed to be the Mambo who sacrificed the black pig at the culmination of the start of the first Haitian Revolution. While she is feared and tends to ride those she possesses violently, she can also be seen as one who frees her people from bondage.

Marinette (Vodou)

In her Petro form she is called Marinette Bras Cheche / Marinette Bwa Chech (Marinette of the Dry Arms) or Marinette Pied Cheche (Marinette of the Dry Feet) suggesting that she is skeletal. She is believed to be the Mambo who sacrificed the black pig at the culmination of the start of the first Haitian Revolution. While she is feared and tends to ride those she possesses violently, she can also be seen as one who frees her people from bondage.