Martin and Lewis (film)

Martin and Lewis is a 2002 biographical CBS TV film, written and directed by John Gray, portraying the lives of the comedy team of Martin and Lewis. The film stars Jeremy Northam as Dean Martin and Sean Hayes as Jerry Lewis. The film is based on the book, Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime (Especially Himself) by Arthur Marx. Hayes was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance as Jerry Lewis.

Martin and Lewis (film)

Martin and Lewis is a 2002 biographical CBS TV film, written and directed by John Gray, portraying the lives of the comedy team of Martin and Lewis. The film stars Jeremy Northam as Dean Martin and Sean Hayes as Jerry Lewis. The film is based on the book, Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime (Especially Himself) by Arthur Marx. Hayes was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance as Jerry Lewis.