Mass automobility

Mass automobility refers to a period in United States history, beginning in the early 20th century, where individuals had strong desires and aspirations to own an automobile. Automobility, more simply, refers to the utilization of automobiles as the major means of transportation. This phenomenon occurred primarily following the Second World War as a result of monumental social, economic, and political transformations. Americans began to move away from the city and into the suburbs, infrastructure and roads were dramatically improved, and governmental activism made travel safer and more efficient. It is argued, though, that mass automobility unintentionally fostered in hazardous pollutants due to emissions, higher mortality rates, and racial segregation in which the only beneficiary of the

Mass automobility

Mass automobility refers to a period in United States history, beginning in the early 20th century, where individuals had strong desires and aspirations to own an automobile. Automobility, more simply, refers to the utilization of automobiles as the major means of transportation. This phenomenon occurred primarily following the Second World War as a result of monumental social, economic, and political transformations. Americans began to move away from the city and into the suburbs, infrastructure and roads were dramatically improved, and governmental activism made travel safer and more efficient. It is argued, though, that mass automobility unintentionally fostered in hazardous pollutants due to emissions, higher mortality rates, and racial segregation in which the only beneficiary of the