Mass in B minor structure

The Mass in B minor is Johann Sebastian Bach's only setting of the complete Latin text of the Ordinarium missae (short: mass). Towards the end of his life, mainly in 1748 and 1749, he finished composing new sections and compiling it into a complex, unified structure. Bach structured the work in four parts: * No. 1 Missa * No. 2 Symbolum Nicenum * No. 3 Sanctus * No. 4 Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei et Dona nobis pacem The four sections of the manuscript are numbered, and Bach's usual closing formula (S.D.G = Soli Deo Gloria) is found at the end of the Dona nobis pacem.

Mass in B minor structure

The Mass in B minor is Johann Sebastian Bach's only setting of the complete Latin text of the Ordinarium missae (short: mass). Towards the end of his life, mainly in 1748 and 1749, he finished composing new sections and compiling it into a complex, unified structure. Bach structured the work in four parts: * No. 1 Missa * No. 2 Symbolum Nicenum * No. 3 Sanctus * No. 4 Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei et Dona nobis pacem The four sections of the manuscript are numbered, and Bach's usual closing formula (S.D.G = Soli Deo Gloria) is found at the end of the Dona nobis pacem.