Mean What You Say

Mean What You Say is the second full-length studio album by Christian rock band Sent by Ravens. It is the follow-up to their 2010 LP Our Graceful Words. The album was released on February 28, 2012. It charted at No. 179 on the Billboard 200 in its first week of sales. According to the lead singer Zach Riner, the lyrics were largely a protest against the teachings of Westboro Baptist Church. The album was met with very positive feedback.

Mean What You Say

Mean What You Say is the second full-length studio album by Christian rock band Sent by Ravens. It is the follow-up to their 2010 LP Our Graceful Words. The album was released on February 28, 2012. It charted at No. 179 on the Billboard 200 in its first week of sales. According to the lead singer Zach Riner, the lyrics were largely a protest against the teachings of Westboro Baptist Church. The album was met with very positive feedback.