Medici Oriental Press

The Medici Oriental Press (also Typographia Medicea) was a press established by Ferdinand de Medici in the 16th century. This press produced some of the earliest books printed in Arabic. The press was active from 1584 to 1614. The press initially benefited from the oriental manuscripts contributed by Ignatius Nemet Allah I, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, then in exile in Italy. The Medici Oriental Press published Christian religious works in oriental languages, such as the Gospels which were printed in Arabic in 1591, with the objective of converting Muslims.

Medici Oriental Press

The Medici Oriental Press (also Typographia Medicea) was a press established by Ferdinand de Medici in the 16th century. This press produced some of the earliest books printed in Arabic. The press was active from 1584 to 1614. The press initially benefited from the oriental manuscripts contributed by Ignatius Nemet Allah I, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, then in exile in Italy. The Medici Oriental Press published Christian religious works in oriental languages, such as the Gospels which were printed in Arabic in 1591, with the objective of converting Muslims.