MegaBots Inc.

MegaBots Inc. is an American startup company headquartered in Oakland, California that creates giant robots and real-world mecha for robotic sports competitions. In June 2015, MegaBots challenged Japan-based Suidobashi Heavy Industry to the world's first giant robot duel. Suidobashi accepted the challenge on the condition that the fight include melee combat. In August 2015, MegaBots announced plans to upgrade its Mark II robot with melee capabilities by raising funds through a Kickstarter campaign and partnering with Howe and Howe Technologies, NASA, and IHMC.

MegaBots Inc.

MegaBots Inc. is an American startup company headquartered in Oakland, California that creates giant robots and real-world mecha for robotic sports competitions. In June 2015, MegaBots challenged Japan-based Suidobashi Heavy Industry to the world's first giant robot duel. Suidobashi accepted the challenge on the condition that the fight include melee combat. In August 2015, MegaBots announced plans to upgrade its Mark II robot with melee capabilities by raising funds through a Kickstarter campaign and partnering with Howe and Howe Technologies, NASA, and IHMC.