Memphis Theological Seminary

Memphis Theological Seminary is an ecumenical theological seminary located in Midtown, Memphis, Tennessee. It is affiliated with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but accepts and trains ministerial candidates from other groups as well. Besides the traditional Master of Divinity (MDiv), Memphis Theological Seminary also grants Master of Arts in Religion (MAR), and Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degrees as well as administering the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination's Program of Alternate Studies or PAS. Source: 2011-2013 catalog and Student Handbook of the Memphis Theological Seminary

Memphis Theological Seminary

Memphis Theological Seminary is an ecumenical theological seminary located in Midtown, Memphis, Tennessee. It is affiliated with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but accepts and trains ministerial candidates from other groups as well. Besides the traditional Master of Divinity (MDiv), Memphis Theological Seminary also grants Master of Arts in Religion (MAR), and Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degrees as well as administering the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination's Program of Alternate Studies or PAS. Source: 2011-2013 catalog and Student Handbook of the Memphis Theological Seminary