
MetalSucks is a heavy metal music-themed news website. It was founded in December 2006 by two friends who use the pen names Vince Neilstein and Axl Rosenberg. They chose those names because "if the father of a fourteen year old girl you met at an Avenged Sevenfold show is looking for you, and he thinks your name is 'Axl Rosenberg,' it's going to be a lot harder for him to track you down." In April 2009, MetalSucks was awarded Metal Hammer's Web of Death Award for "Best Reviews" for its "honest, insightful, unpretentious – and fun – reviews."


MetalSucks is a heavy metal music-themed news website. It was founded in December 2006 by two friends who use the pen names Vince Neilstein and Axl Rosenberg. They chose those names because "if the father of a fourteen year old girl you met at an Avenged Sevenfold show is looking for you, and he thinks your name is 'Axl Rosenberg,' it's going to be a lot harder for him to track you down." In April 2009, MetalSucks was awarded Metal Hammer's Web of Death Award for "Best Reviews" for its "honest, insightful, unpretentious – and fun – reviews."