Michael Jackson HIStory statue

The Michael Jackson HIStory statue is a sculpture of Michael Jackson created in 1994 by Diana Walczak that became the basis for the cover image of Jackson's album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I as well as the basis for large temporary statues to market the album and the 1995 HIStory World Tour. Michael's vision was to appear as a giant statue on the album cover. Diana sculpted the original statue with a monumental look. The sculpture was then digitized, lit, and rendered by her computer animation and visual effects company, Kleiser-Walczak Construction Co., into the HIStory album cover.

Michael Jackson HIStory statue

The Michael Jackson HIStory statue is a sculpture of Michael Jackson created in 1994 by Diana Walczak that became the basis for the cover image of Jackson's album HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I as well as the basis for large temporary statues to market the album and the 1995 HIStory World Tour. Michael's vision was to appear as a giant statue on the album cover. Diana sculpted the original statue with a monumental look. The sculpture was then digitized, lit, and rendered by her computer animation and visual effects company, Kleiser-Walczak Construction Co., into the HIStory album cover.