Microsoft Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 is a release of Microsoft Office, an office suite for Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. Released to manufacturing on March 29, 1999 and shipped on June 7, 1999, it succeeded Microsoft Office 97 and preceded Microsoft Office XP. It comes in five different editions, the most comprehensive of which is Office 2000 Developer. Microsoft Office 2000 had easter eggs, most of which was removed from SR-1. For example, Microsoft Excel contained a hidden game called Dev Hunter; Microsoft Access had a hidden 8 ball toy; and Microsoft Word had team development credits.

Microsoft Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 is a release of Microsoft Office, an office suite for Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. Released to manufacturing on March 29, 1999 and shipped on June 7, 1999, it succeeded Microsoft Office 97 and preceded Microsoft Office XP. It comes in five different editions, the most comprehensive of which is Office 2000 Developer. Microsoft Office 2000 had easter eggs, most of which was removed from SR-1. For example, Microsoft Excel contained a hidden game called Dev Hunter; Microsoft Access had a hidden 8 ball toy; and Microsoft Word had team development credits.