Millennium (TV series)

Millennium is an American television series created by Chris Carter (creator of The X-Files), which aired on Fox between 1996 and 1999. The series follows the investigations of ex-FBI agent Frank Black (Lance Henriksen), now a consultant, with the ability to see inside the minds of criminals, working for a mysterious organization known as the Millennium Group. There was also a crossover episode of The X-Files titled "Millennium" that featured the Millennium Group and Frank Black.

Millennium (TV series)

Millennium is an American television series created by Chris Carter (creator of The X-Files), which aired on Fox between 1996 and 1999. The series follows the investigations of ex-FBI agent Frank Black (Lance Henriksen), now a consultant, with the ability to see inside the minds of criminals, working for a mysterious organization known as the Millennium Group. There was also a crossover episode of The X-Files titled "Millennium" that featured the Millennium Group and Frank Black.