Million Women Rise

Million Women Rise (MWR) is a women-only march and rally against violence against women, held annually in London on a Saturday close to International Women's Day, 8 March. The march starts in Hyde Park and moves through Oxford Street in the famous West End shopping district, stopping traffic. It is followed by a rally in Trafalgar Square, with survivors of violence speaking to the crowd. OUR REALITY IN THE UK TODAY: One woman in four will experience domestic violence at some point in her life. Two women are murdered every week by their partner or ex partner.

Million Women Rise

Million Women Rise (MWR) is a women-only march and rally against violence against women, held annually in London on a Saturday close to International Women's Day, 8 March. The march starts in Hyde Park and moves through Oxford Street in the famous West End shopping district, stopping traffic. It is followed by a rally in Trafalgar Square, with survivors of violence speaking to the crowd. OUR REALITY IN THE UK TODAY: One woman in four will experience domestic violence at some point in her life. Two women are murdered every week by their partner or ex partner.