Milyonlarca Kuştuk...

Milyonlarca Kuştuk... (Turkish:(We used to be) Millions of birds...) is Candan Erçetin's 10th studio album released in June 3, 2013. The album is Erçetin's 7th pop music studio album after Kırık Kalpler Durağında which was released 3,5 years ago. She composed Nazım Hikmet Ran's famous poem "Herkes Gibisin" in this album. The album also includes arrangements (Turkish adaptions) of 3 songs.

Milyonlarca Kuştuk...

Milyonlarca Kuştuk... (Turkish:(We used to be) Millions of birds...) is Candan Erçetin's 10th studio album released in June 3, 2013. The album is Erçetin's 7th pop music studio album after Kırık Kalpler Durağında which was released 3,5 years ago. She composed Nazım Hikmet Ran's famous poem "Herkes Gibisin" in this album. The album also includes arrangements (Turkish adaptions) of 3 songs.