Mithridatic Wars

There were three Mithridatic Wars between Rome and the Kingdom of Pontus in the 1st century BC. They are named for Mithridates VI who was King of Pontus at the time. * First Mithridatic War (88–84 BC). Roman legions commanded by Lucius Cornelius Sulla as well as Lucius Valerius Flaccus and Gaius Flavius Fimbria. Significant battles included the Battle of Chaeronea and the Battle of Orchomenus in 86 BC. The war ended with a Roman victory, and the Treaty of Dardanos in 85 BC. * Second Mithridatic War (83–81 BC). Roman armies commanded by Lucius Licinius Murena. The war ended inconclusively after a Roman defeat, and withdrawal on Sulla's orders. * Third Mithridatic War (75–63 BC). Roman armies led by Lucius Licinius Lucullus (75–66 BC) then by Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (also known as "Pompey

Mithridatic Wars

There were three Mithridatic Wars between Rome and the Kingdom of Pontus in the 1st century BC. They are named for Mithridates VI who was King of Pontus at the time. * First Mithridatic War (88–84 BC). Roman legions commanded by Lucius Cornelius Sulla as well as Lucius Valerius Flaccus and Gaius Flavius Fimbria. Significant battles included the Battle of Chaeronea and the Battle of Orchomenus in 86 BC. The war ended with a Roman victory, and the Treaty of Dardanos in 85 BC. * Second Mithridatic War (83–81 BC). Roman armies commanded by Lucius Licinius Murena. The war ended inconclusively after a Roman defeat, and withdrawal on Sulla's orders. * Third Mithridatic War (75–63 BC). Roman armies led by Lucius Licinius Lucullus (75–66 BC) then by Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (also known as "Pompey