Monticello Steam Electric Station

The Monticello Steam Electric Station is a three unit coal-fired power plant located in Titus County, Texas. Unit 1 of the Monticello Steam Electric Station began operation in 1974, unit 2 became operational in 1975, and unit 3, became operational in 1978. The plant produces electricity by burning lignite from nearby mines in Texas. The plant also receives rail shipments of coal from Wyoming's Powder River Basin. The plant is cooled by Lake Monticello, which also offers fishing and recreational facilities. The plant is owned and operated by Luminant, a division of Energy Future Holdings Corporation.

Monticello Steam Electric Station

The Monticello Steam Electric Station is a three unit coal-fired power plant located in Titus County, Texas. Unit 1 of the Monticello Steam Electric Station began operation in 1974, unit 2 became operational in 1975, and unit 3, became operational in 1978. The plant produces electricity by burning lignite from nearby mines in Texas. The plant also receives rail shipments of coal from Wyoming's Powder River Basin. The plant is cooled by Lake Monticello, which also offers fishing and recreational facilities. The plant is owned and operated by Luminant, a division of Energy Future Holdings Corporation.