
Mortimer "Morte" Rictusgrin is a fictional character in the role-playing video game Planescape: Torment, voiced by Rob Paulsen. He appears as a sentient, levitating human skull with intact eyeballs. Morte accompanies the protagonist, The Nameless One, from early in the game. He serves as comic relief as well as providing a significant section of backstory. His attack consists of both biting and relentlessly taunting his opponent.


Mortimer "Morte" Rictusgrin is a fictional character in the role-playing video game Planescape: Torment, voiced by Rob Paulsen. He appears as a sentient, levitating human skull with intact eyeballs. Morte accompanies the protagonist, The Nameless One, from early in the game. He serves as comic relief as well as providing a significant section of backstory. His attack consists of both biting and relentlessly taunting his opponent.