Mount Baigura

Mount Baigura, Baïgura, Baygoura or Baighoura (el. 897 m./2943 ft.) is a mountain of the inner French Basque Country. Transmitters are set up near its summit. The leisure center ("base de loisir") at Baigura, on the road from Hélette to Louhossoa (in the commune of Mendionde), organizes paragliding activity on the northern slope of the mountain.

Mount Baigura

Mount Baigura, Baïgura, Baygoura or Baighoura (el. 897 m./2943 ft.) is a mountain of the inner French Basque Country. Transmitters are set up near its summit. The leisure center ("base de loisir") at Baigura, on the road from Hélette to Louhossoa (in the commune of Mendionde), organizes paragliding activity on the northern slope of the mountain.