Mudflat hiking

Mudflat hiking (Danish: Vadehavsvandring, Dutch: Wadlopen, Frisian: Waadrinnen, German: Wattwandern) is a recreation enjoyed by Dutch, Germans, Danes, and others in the Netherlands, northwest Germany and in Denmark. Mudflat hikers are people who, with the aid of a tide table, use a period of low water to walk and wade on the watershed of the mudflats, especially from the Frisian mainland coast to the Frisian islands. In Denmark, mudflat hikers can walk to Mandø, Fanø and Langli.

Mudflat hiking

Mudflat hiking (Danish: Vadehavsvandring, Dutch: Wadlopen, Frisian: Waadrinnen, German: Wattwandern) is a recreation enjoyed by Dutch, Germans, Danes, and others in the Netherlands, northwest Germany and in Denmark. Mudflat hikers are people who, with the aid of a tide table, use a period of low water to walk and wade on the watershed of the mudflats, especially from the Frisian mainland coast to the Frisian islands. In Denmark, mudflat hikers can walk to Mandø, Fanø and Langli.