MultiCultural Aotearoa

MultiCultural Aotearoa (MCA) is an anti-fascist group that was formed in 2004 in response to racist attacks in the New Zealand capital, Wellington. Its main policies are to: * Oppose the actions of the New Zealand National Front (NZNF) * Oppose humiliating immigration policies * Stop Māori-bashing On 23 October 2004, the MCA led an anti-racism march from Te Papa to the steps of Parliament to protest an NZNF demonstration. The NZNF had originally planned to demonstrate against Asian immigration, but after the MCA march was organised the topic was changed to support for the New Zealand flag.

MultiCultural Aotearoa

MultiCultural Aotearoa (MCA) is an anti-fascist group that was formed in 2004 in response to racist attacks in the New Zealand capital, Wellington. Its main policies are to: * Oppose the actions of the New Zealand National Front (NZNF) * Oppose humiliating immigration policies * Stop Māori-bashing On 23 October 2004, the MCA led an anti-racism march from Te Papa to the steps of Parliament to protest an NZNF demonstration. The NZNF had originally planned to demonstrate against Asian immigration, but after the MCA march was organised the topic was changed to support for the New Zealand flag.