Multiple baseline design

A multiple baseline design is a style of research involving the careful measurement of multiple persons, traits or settings both before and after a treatment. This design is used in medical, psychological and biological research to name a few areas. It has several advantages over AB designs which only measures a single case. It is important to note that the start of treatment conditions is staggered (started at different times) across individuals. Because treatment is started at different times we can conclude that changes are due to the treatment rather than to a chance factor. By gathering data from many subjects (instances), inferences can be made about the likeliness that the measured trait generalizes to a greater population. In multiple baseline designs, the experimenter starts by me

Multiple baseline design

A multiple baseline design is a style of research involving the careful measurement of multiple persons, traits or settings both before and after a treatment. This design is used in medical, psychological and biological research to name a few areas. It has several advantages over AB designs which only measures a single case. It is important to note that the start of treatment conditions is staggered (started at different times) across individuals. Because treatment is started at different times we can conclude that changes are due to the treatment rather than to a chance factor. By gathering data from many subjects (instances), inferences can be made about the likeliness that the measured trait generalizes to a greater population. In multiple baseline designs, the experimenter starts by me