Munich Steam Locomotive Company

The society was originally founded in 1976 as the Interessengemeinschaft 41 018. e.V. ('41 018 Interest Group') as the DRG Class 41 steam locomotive, no. 41 018, was purchased. This steam engine is registered as a technological monument in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The society has 11 members who are joint owners of the locomotives and who have succeeded in keeping and operating locomotive 41 018 for more than 30 years. The steam engine is homed at the Augsburg Railway Park where the necessary work is also carried out.

Munich Steam Locomotive Company

The society was originally founded in 1976 as the Interessengemeinschaft 41 018. e.V. ('41 018 Interest Group') as the DRG Class 41 steam locomotive, no. 41 018, was purchased. This steam engine is registered as a technological monument in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The society has 11 members who are joint owners of the locomotives and who have succeeded in keeping and operating locomotive 41 018 for more than 30 years. The steam engine is homed at the Augsburg Railway Park where the necessary work is also carried out.