Muzaffarabad chalo

Muzaffarabad chalo (Urdu: مظفر آباد چلو‎; Go to Muzaffarabad) refers to a call that was given by a co-ordination committee (a conglomerate of both factions of Hurriyat composed of Hurriyat (M) and Hurriyat (G), JKLF, Kashmir Bar Association and Kashmir Traders Federation) on 11 August 2008 when the people of Indian-administrated Kashmir were appealed to march to Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan, in retaliation of the economic blockade of the Kashmir valley.On 11 August 2008, a huge population of India occupied Kashmir was leading towards Muzaffarabad through Srinagar – Muzaffarabad National Highway via Baramulla. The procession was a result of a call by the Chairman All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Shah Geelani. 2008 was a critical year for Kashmir, Amarnath L

Muzaffarabad chalo

Muzaffarabad chalo (Urdu: مظفر آباد چلو‎; Go to Muzaffarabad) refers to a call that was given by a co-ordination committee (a conglomerate of both factions of Hurriyat composed of Hurriyat (M) and Hurriyat (G), JKLF, Kashmir Bar Association and Kashmir Traders Federation) on 11 August 2008 when the people of Indian-administrated Kashmir were appealed to march to Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan, in retaliation of the economic blockade of the Kashmir valley.On 11 August 2008, a huge population of India occupied Kashmir was leading towards Muzaffarabad through Srinagar – Muzaffarabad National Highway via Baramulla. The procession was a result of a call by the Chairman All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Shah Geelani. 2008 was a critical year for Kashmir, Amarnath L