Myth Men Guardians of the Legend

Myth Men is a paperback book series that was written in 1996 and 1997 by Laura Geringer and illustrated by Peter Bollinger. It is a comic series targeted at children age 4-8 and published by Scholastic Books, Inc. It received the Children's Choice award. The series includes both male and female mythical heroes, including Perseus, Hercules, Ulysses, Theseus, Andromeda and Atalanta. The books retell the actual myths and legends with added fantasy elements. A weekly half-hour CBS television series was based on the books.

Myth Men Guardians of the Legend

Myth Men is a paperback book series that was written in 1996 and 1997 by Laura Geringer and illustrated by Peter Bollinger. It is a comic series targeted at children age 4-8 and published by Scholastic Books, Inc. It received the Children's Choice award. The series includes both male and female mythical heroes, including Perseus, Hercules, Ulysses, Theseus, Andromeda and Atalanta. The books retell the actual myths and legends with added fantasy elements. A weekly half-hour CBS television series was based on the books.