Naked Sea

Naked Sea is a 1954 American documentary film which follows the journey of the tuna-fishing boat the Star-Kist, on a four month 15,000 mile journey fishing off the coast of South America. The film was produced, directed, shot and edited by Allen H. Miner. It was narrated by William Conrad, and was originally shot on 16mm film, then blown up to 35mm (with no apparent loss of quality) for theatrical distribution. The fishing boat used its normal crew, captained by Joachim Qualen.

Naked Sea

Naked Sea is a 1954 American documentary film which follows the journey of the tuna-fishing boat the Star-Kist, on a four month 15,000 mile journey fishing off the coast of South America. The film was produced, directed, shot and edited by Allen H. Miner. It was narrated by William Conrad, and was originally shot on 16mm film, then blown up to 35mm (with no apparent loss of quality) for theatrical distribution. The fishing boat used its normal crew, captained by Joachim Qualen.