Nariin Sukhait mining complex

The Nariin Sukhait or Ovoot Tolgoi mining complex (Mongolian: Нарийн Сухайт / Овоот Толгой) is located in the Gurvan tes sum (district) of Ömnögovi Province in Southern Mongolia. The site is 25 km SE from sum center and 56 km north of Shivee Khüren - Ceke crossing point on the Mongolian-Chinese border.

Nariin Sukhait mining complex

The Nariin Sukhait or Ovoot Tolgoi mining complex (Mongolian: Нарийн Сухайт / Овоот Толгой) is located in the Gurvan tes sum (district) of Ömnögovi Province in Southern Mongolia. The site is 25 km SE from sum center and 56 km north of Shivee Khüren - Ceke crossing point on the Mongolian-Chinese border.