National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center

The National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (Russian: НЦУЯО, Национальный центр по уменьшению ядерной опасности) is part of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and known also as The Directorate for Control of Agreements' Implementation (In Russian: Управление Министерства обороны Российской Федерации по контролю за выполнением договоров). It has counterpart in Washington D.C. in the United States Department of State. The main task is the organization of work on the implementation of agreements in the field of Arms reduction and implementation of all the international agreements which were signed by the Russian Ministry of Defence.

National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center

The National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (Russian: НЦУЯО, Национальный центр по уменьшению ядерной опасности) is part of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and known also as The Directorate for Control of Agreements' Implementation (In Russian: Управление Министерства обороны Российской Федерации по контролю за выполнением договоров). It has counterpart in Washington D.C. in the United States Department of State. The main task is the organization of work on the implementation of agreements in the field of Arms reduction and implementation of all the international agreements which were signed by the Russian Ministry of Defence.