National Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan

The party known as National Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan (Persian: نهضت همبستگی ملی افغانستان‎‎, Nahzat-e Hambastagi-ye Melli-ye Afghanistan) is led by Sayed Ishaq Gailani. It supported Hamid Karzai in the 2004 presidential election despite its previous support for the former King Zahir Shah. It is connected with powerful conservative families in the Pashtun region. The NSMA is member of the International Monarchist Conference.

National Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan

The party known as National Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan (Persian: نهضت همبستگی ملی افغانستان‎‎, Nahzat-e Hambastagi-ye Melli-ye Afghanistan) is led by Sayed Ishaq Gailani. It supported Hamid Karzai in the 2004 presidential election despite its previous support for the former King Zahir Shah. It is connected with powerful conservative families in the Pashtun region. The NSMA is member of the International Monarchist Conference.