Navies of landlocked countries

A landlocked navy is a naval force operated by a country which does not have a coastline. While such states that are obviously unable to develop a sea-going, blue-water navy, they may still deploy armed forces on major lakes or rivers. Patrol boats of various types are the most common craft among landlocked navies. Some landlocked navies possess troop or vehicle transports, allowing ground forces to cross or travel along a lake or river.

Navies of landlocked countries

A landlocked navy is a naval force operated by a country which does not have a coastline. While such states that are obviously unable to develop a sea-going, blue-water navy, they may still deploy armed forces on major lakes or rivers. Patrol boats of various types are the most common craft among landlocked navies. Some landlocked navies possess troop or vehicle transports, allowing ground forces to cross or travel along a lake or river.