Nebraska Zen Center

The Nebraska Zen Center, Heartland Temple is a Soto Zen Buddhist Temple located in the Bemis Park Landmark Heritage District of Omaha, Nebraska. Established for Zen practice in 1975 by Dainin Katagiri Roshi, the Nebraska Zen Center follows the tradition established in Japan by Zen Master Eihei Dogen in the 13th century. Today, Dosho Port Roshi is the Center's abbot and head priest.

Nebraska Zen Center

The Nebraska Zen Center, Heartland Temple is a Soto Zen Buddhist Temple located in the Bemis Park Landmark Heritage District of Omaha, Nebraska. Established for Zen practice in 1975 by Dainin Katagiri Roshi, the Nebraska Zen Center follows the tradition established in Japan by Zen Master Eihei Dogen in the 13th century. Today, Dosho Port Roshi is the Center's abbot and head priest.