Nemesis (Transformers)

The Nemesis is a fictional spaceship in the Transformers toy and media franchise. In the various iterations of the franchise, the Nemesis is the flagship of the Decepticons, the franchise's primary antagonists. The ship was never referred to by any name in the original transformers series from 1984, the name 'Nemesis' is first used in the series finale of Beast Wars, a sequel to the original cartoon. The Nemesis ship is not to be confused with the Transformers characters Nemesis Prime, Nemesis Strika and Nemesis Breaker.

Nemesis (Transformers)

The Nemesis is a fictional spaceship in the Transformers toy and media franchise. In the various iterations of the franchise, the Nemesis is the flagship of the Decepticons, the franchise's primary antagonists. The ship was never referred to by any name in the original transformers series from 1984, the name 'Nemesis' is first used in the series finale of Beast Wars, a sequel to the original cartoon. The Nemesis ship is not to be confused with the Transformers characters Nemesis Prime, Nemesis Strika and Nemesis Breaker.