Network Rail

Network Rail is the owner (via its subsidiary Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd which was known as Railtrack plc before 2003) and infrastructure manager of most of the rail network in England, Scotland and Wales. Network Rail is an arms length public body of the Department for Transport, with no shareholders which reinvests its income in the railways. To cope with quickly rising passenger numbers, Network Rail is currently undertaking a £38 billion programme of upgrades to the network, including Crossrail, electrification of lines, upgrading Thameslink and a new high-speed line (HS2).

Network Rail

Network Rail is the owner (via its subsidiary Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd which was known as Railtrack plc before 2003) and infrastructure manager of most of the rail network in England, Scotland and Wales. Network Rail is an arms length public body of the Department for Transport, with no shareholders which reinvests its income in the railways. To cope with quickly rising passenger numbers, Network Rail is currently undertaking a £38 billion programme of upgrades to the network, including Crossrail, electrification of lines, upgrading Thameslink and a new high-speed line (HS2).