New England Women's Club

The New England Women's Club (est.1868) of Boston, Massachusetts, was the "first woman's club" in the United States.Harriet Hanson Robinson, founder of the National Woman Suffrage Association of Massachusetts, helped Julia Ward Howe to organize the club.Members of the club in its early years included Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney, Mary Livermore, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Peabody, Lucretia Peabody, Caroline M. Severance, and Lucy Stone.

New England Women's Club

The New England Women's Club (est.1868) of Boston, Massachusetts, was the "first woman's club" in the United States.Harriet Hanson Robinson, founder of the National Woman Suffrage Association of Massachusetts, helped Julia Ward Howe to organize the club.Members of the club in its early years included Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney, Mary Livermore, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Peabody, Lucretia Peabody, Caroline M. Severance, and Lucy Stone.