New Waterford Girl

New Waterford Girl is a Canadian drama-comedy film, released in 1999, directed by Allan Moyle, and written by Tricia Fish. New Waterford Girl stars Liane Balaban as Agnes-Marie "Moonie" Pottie, a teenager in New Waterford, Nova Scotia who dreams of life beyond her small-town home. She is inspired and fascinated when a family from New York City, with an idiosyncratic daughter her own age, Lou Benza (played by Tara Spencer-Nairn) moves into the house next door. Agnes discovers that Lou has a talent for boxing, leading to her taking Lou in as 'muscle' in an attempt to start some changes around their town.

New Waterford Girl

New Waterford Girl is a Canadian drama-comedy film, released in 1999, directed by Allan Moyle, and written by Tricia Fish. New Waterford Girl stars Liane Balaban as Agnes-Marie "Moonie" Pottie, a teenager in New Waterford, Nova Scotia who dreams of life beyond her small-town home. She is inspired and fascinated when a family from New York City, with an idiosyncratic daughter her own age, Lou Benza (played by Tara Spencer-Nairn) moves into the house next door. Agnes discovers that Lou has a talent for boxing, leading to her taking Lou in as 'muscle' in an attempt to start some changes around their town.