Newton County John Does

The Newton County John Does, also dubbed Adam and Brad, or simply as Victims A and B or Victims 3 and 4, are two young unidentified males whose remains were discovered with those of two other men on October 18, 1983 in Lake Village, Newton County, Indiana by mushroom foragers. Their nicknames were given by Newton County coroner Scott McCord, elected in 2008, to remember that they were people. He learned that the "victims had never been identified, returned to any family or buried". He renewed the investigation, recruiting Stephen Nawrocki noted forensic anthropologist at the University of Indianapolis, to help develop descriptions. examine the remains and help develop descriptions of the victims. Nawrocki also gained the assistance of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,

Newton County John Does

The Newton County John Does, also dubbed Adam and Brad, or simply as Victims A and B or Victims 3 and 4, are two young unidentified males whose remains were discovered with those of two other men on October 18, 1983 in Lake Village, Newton County, Indiana by mushroom foragers. Their nicknames were given by Newton County coroner Scott McCord, elected in 2008, to remember that they were people. He learned that the "victims had never been identified, returned to any family or buried". He renewed the investigation, recruiting Stephen Nawrocki noted forensic anthropologist at the University of Indianapolis, to help develop descriptions. examine the remains and help develop descriptions of the victims. Nawrocki also gained the assistance of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,