
The Nisenan, also known as the Southern Maidu and Valley Maidu, are one of many native groups of the California Central Valley. While the label “Maidu” is still used widely in Native American academia, “Maidu” is actually a gross over simplification of a very complex division of smaller groups, Tribelets and Bands of Indians. The name Nisenan, derives from the ablative plural pronoun nisena·n, "from among us". A few Nisenan people speak any of the Nisenan dialects. Some Nisenan people today are enrolled in the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, a federally recognized tribe.


The Nisenan, also known as the Southern Maidu and Valley Maidu, are one of many native groups of the California Central Valley. While the label “Maidu” is still used widely in Native American academia, “Maidu” is actually a gross over simplification of a very complex division of smaller groups, Tribelets and Bands of Indians. The name Nisenan, derives from the ablative plural pronoun nisena·n, "from among us". A few Nisenan people speak any of the Nisenan dialects. Some Nisenan people today are enrolled in the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, a federally recognized tribe.