Norway pollock

Theragra finnmarchica or Norway pollock is a rare fish of family Gadidae (codfish) only known from the Barents Sea. Until recently, its known range would have made it an endemic species to Norway, but one specimen was captured from Russian waters in 2004. Moreover, current evidence suggests that T. finnmarchica is the same species as Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma or Gadus chalcogrammus). The range of T. finnmarchica is fully separate from Alaska pollock, and the history of T. finnmarchica in the Barents Sea remains a mystery.

Norway pollock

Theragra finnmarchica or Norway pollock is a rare fish of family Gadidae (codfish) only known from the Barents Sea. Until recently, its known range would have made it an endemic species to Norway, but one specimen was captured from Russian waters in 2004. Moreover, current evidence suggests that T. finnmarchica is the same species as Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma or Gadus chalcogrammus). The range of T. finnmarchica is fully separate from Alaska pollock, and the history of T. finnmarchica in the Barents Sea remains a mystery.